Tuesday, February 5, 2013


what does that mean? 
this is something I've been really trying to challenge myself to honestly think about lately.  there are, in my opinion, different definitions of this word to different people.  it changes.  in looking into the literal meaning of the word, it isn't defined exactly either.  which makes me feel comforted in my own confusion in my passions and how they seem to differ so greatly.
i don't think you ever really focus on your true passions unless you are in some way, forced to by some greater force than you.  I don't know that the force that has made me think of my passions is greater than me, but it does effect me.  it does take a part of me.  it really does make me who I am.  I know that I have always craved this control over my life and where it is going.  What it entails.  What excites me and fulfills me.  I don't know that I will ever be set in that again.  What I do KNOW is that I am going to be truly PASSIONATE.  any way I can.  I need that.  everyone does.  it is your human right- to live passionately.  and if you don't know how- figure it the FUCK out!


Via French, from Latin passio ("suffering"), noun of action from perfect passive participle passus ("suffered"), from deponent verbpati ("suffer").

